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Kiko and Kiko/Boer cross live goats for sale to add to your flock or process into meat.

Goats range in age from 6 months to several years.  Goats are $175 each, but under 1 year can vary based on size.  You can pick out your animal in person, or we can send pictures and weights.  Animals must be transported in a covered vehicle - you may not tie them into the open bed of a pickup truck. 

If you want your goat processed, we can also transport to Chaudhry Halal Meats.  If we take your goat(s) with us when we are already going to CHM, there's no extra charge.  If we make a special trip, it's $25 for the trip (not per animal).  Processing fees, cut instructions, etc are handled directly between you and Chaudhry Halal Meats.  You are responsible for picking up product from Chaudhry Halal Meats in Siler City, NC.

Live Goat

Excluding Sales Tax |
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